Deep Knowledge is Powering Another Regeneration of London

Is something happening in London? Has a “Digital Curtain” descended on London from Stockley Park in the West to the Olympic Park in the East?

Apparently new businesses are being formed at what appears to be an unprecedented rate; older existing businesses are being completely and extensively reconfigured. Hardly a day goes by without news of another new start being funded to the tune of $1m-$4m. Is London as a city rebuilding itself as it did around financial services and Canary Wharf in the 1990’s?

Could it be that this time it’s the city’s media, advertising, internet, telecommunications, video, music, design, fashion and software industries, “the creatives”, who are spearheading an industrial and societal change as profound as that of the swinging 1960’s?

via Creative Industries

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About David H. Deans

Principal Consultant and Founder of