Tag Archive | smart city

Progressive Local Governments Invest in Smart Cities

Progressive Local Governments Invest in Smart Cities

Smart City initiatives will attract technology investments of more than $81 billion globally in 2018, and spending is forecast to reach $158 billion in 2022, according to the latest worldwide market study by International Data Corporation (IDC).

via Digital Lifescapes

Global IoT Market Investment Reaches $151B in 2018

Global IoT Market Investment Reaches $151B in 2018

The number of IoT devices that are active is expected to grow to 10 billion by 2020 and 22 billion by 2025. This number of IoT devices includes all active connections and does not take into consideration devices that were bought in the past but are not used anymore.

via IoT Analytics

Smart Cities Spending will Reach $158 Billion in 2022

Smart Cities Spending will Reach $158 Billion in 2022

On a geographic basis, the Asia-Pacific region, including China and Japan, will account for nearly 42% of global spending in 2018, followed by the Americas (33%), and Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) (25%). The United States is the largest country market for Smart City spending (over $23 billion in 2018), followed by China.

via IDC

Smart City Investments will Reach $135 Billion in 2021

Smart City Investments will Reach $135 Billion in 2021

IDC has provided a detailed look at the technology investments associated with a range of Smart City priorities and use cases. As these initiatives gain traction, IDC expects spending to accelerate over the 2016-2021 forecast period, growing to $135 billion in 2021.

via Digital Lifescapes

Exploring Top Smart City Projects in the United States

smart city market research

Smart City projects have gained momentum over the last decade, as more municipalities across North American have launched a wide variety of digital transformation initiatives. That said, some cities have achieved significant outcomes that enable them to improve services for citizens.

Source: Digital Lifescapes

Why Autonomous Vehicle Adoption will Grow Slowly

Autonomous Vehicle market research

By 2025, just about 15 percent of new passenger car sales worldwide will be autonomous vehicles, with either conditional or full autonomy (level 3 or level 4) capabilities, according to the latest market study by Canalys.

Source: Digital Lifescapes

Ecotopia 2121: Six Visions of our Cities in the Future

In celebrating Utopia’s 500th birthday, the Ecotopia 2121 project is harnessing Thomas More’s spirit to predict the futures of 100 real cities around the world – if they somehow managed to become super eco-friendly.

Source: World Economic Forum

Smart Grid Technology will Deliver $18.8 Billion in Savings

global smart city market research

Smart Cities are applying Internet of Things (IoT) based solutions. A smart city is an ecosystem that places emphasis on the use of digital technology to drive efficiency for existing social, economic and environmental processes, while developing new, data-driven processes.

Source: Digital Lifescapes

London, UK Tops the Global Cities Index 2016

global smart city market research

A.T. Kearney looked at the world’s recognized Smart Cities — that place technology at the core of their development strategy — and analyzed their performance. Of the 14 cities analyzed, all rank in the top quartile of cities measured on both the Global Cities Index and Outlook.

Source: A.T. Kearney

Smart Grids will Deliver $18.8 Billion in Cost Savings

smart cities market research

Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are enabling municipalities around the globe to implement a series of digital transformation projects. Juniper Research has found that European cities are forging ahead with efforts to become Smart Cities, with 60 percent of the world’s leading smart city projects based in this region.

Source: Digital Lifescapes