Tag Archive | cyber threats

How Smart IoT Gateways will Transform Security

Smart IoT Gateways will Transform Security

A multitude of new devices have been connected to the Internet already this year, and many more will connect in the coming weeks and months. That said, the Internet of Things (IoT) gateway has become an important link in the IoT security and device authentication value chain.

via Digital Lifescapes

Worldwide IT Security Spend will Reach $174.7 Billion

Worldwide IT Security Spend will Reach $174.7 Billion

Enterprise spending on IT security products and services has experienced new growth in 2020, as many organizations invest in solutions to meet the needs of a much larger remote workforce, and a wide range of online security threats that create additional requirements.

via Digital Lifescapes

Remote Work: Solving IT Security and Compliance Issues

Remote Work: Solving IT Security and Compliance Issues

“The sudden shift to remote work has massively amplified the problem of protecting proprietary information. As companies had to implement remote access technologies fast (or upgrade existing infrastructures) to ensure business continuity, they often fell back on improvisation.”

via LSE Business Review

New Digital Security Solutions for the Internet of Things

New Digital Security Solutions for the Internet of Things

Secure device authentication currently stands among the top-tier investment priorities for key IoT markets. According to ABI Research, hardware-focused IoT authentication services will reach $8.4 billion in revenues by 2026.

via Digital Lifescapes

New Study: Data Privacy Impact on IT Security Outcomes

New Study: Data Privacy Impact on IT Security Outcomes

“Many companies are lagging behind current data privacy requirements. By prioritizing best-in-class privacy practices, companies can reduce the risk of security incidents and demonstrate their trustworthiness to customers.”

via Osano

How to Secure the Global Fintech Services Ecosystem

How to Secure the Global Fintech Services Ecosystem

FinTechs have the potential to be the engines of innovation we need during the Great Reset. The findings of the World Economic Forum’s FinTech Cybersecurity Consortium provide a starting point on the path to a security management system to get them there.

via World Economic Forum

Trends Driving Sovereign Public Cloud Computing Adoption

Trends Driving Sovereign Public Cloud Computing Adoption

“Growing nationalistic sentiments sweeping various nations such as the U.S., Europe, and India, will add fuel to the sovereign cloud discussion. The Huawei ban in the U.S., the ban on Chinese apps in India, and reducing dependencies on China across sectors are indicators of emerging nationalistic sentiments.”

via Everest Group

Online Security Trends for the Remote Workforce

Online Security Trends for the Remote Workforce

“In a normal year, only 5% of information workers primarily work from home, but since March 2020, 47% of respondents say their organization has transitioned at least half of their workforce to remote work.”

via Forrester

Tech for Life: Putting Trust Back in Technology

Tech for Life: Putting Trust Back in Technology

“Software code now lies behind virtually every business. It is the lubricant of the tech growth engine. And what an engine! Every single day 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is generated globally. Ninety percent of the data in the world has been created in the last two years. There is more and it is coming quicker than ever before.”

via World Economic Forum

Quantum Computers: Why IT Security Policy Must Evolve

Quantum Computers: Why IT Security Policy Must Evolve

The quantum computing age is growing ever closer – and it could render current encryption systems obsolete. These risks could also prevent this technology’s true value from being realized. Addressing this issue requires action at the national and global levels – now.”

via World Economic Forum