Tag Archive | CISO

Worldwide IT Security Spend will Reach $174.7 Billion

Worldwide IT Security Spend will Reach $174.7 Billion

Enterprise spending on IT security products and services has experienced new growth in 2020, as many organizations invest in solutions to meet the needs of a much larger remote workforce, and a wide range of online security threats that create additional requirements.

via Digital Lifescapes

Digital Growth: The Essential CIO and CISO Role

Digital Growth: The Essential CIO and CISO Role

“Many organizations have embraced new digital technologies and have invested in a strong platform upon which to build these new capabilities – and they’re using these capabilities to outperform their competitors. Other organizations are asking the same question, what’s next, but before they can respond, they face considerable foundation-building.”

via IDC

Digital Trust: Why IT Hardware Security Matters

Digital Trust: Why IT Hardware Security Matters

“As the world becomes increasingly reliant on advanced technologies for economic growth and national security, implicit trust in hardware becomes an untenable option. Ultimately, hardware is the foundation for digital trust.”

via World Economic Forum

Rising Global Demand for IT Cybersecurity Skills

Rising Global Demand for IT Cybersecurity Skills

In 2018-2019, cybersecurity skills topped the list of IT challenges – 53 percent of survey respondents reported a problematic shortage of cybersecurity skills at their organization.  IT architecture planning skills came in second at 38 percent.

via ESG

A Global Exploration of IT Security Budget Trends

CISO IT security market research

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) have updated their IT security plans for 2017, due to ongoing concerns about new threats. Worldwide, IT organizations currently spend an average of 5.6 percent of their IT budget on IT security, according to the latest market study by Gartner.

Source: Digital Lifescapes