Archive | August 2015

Explore the Latest Trends within Online Entertainment Industry

broadcast television on smart tv

Linear TV will remain a powerful force for some time: a study found that half pay for a TV subscription and 2.5 hours is devoted to linear TV daily. However, 16-24 year-old now average an hour each day watching online TV, which is a third of their daily TV viewing time.

via GWI

Big Data Management Requires New Thinking and New Talent

Chief Data Officers

American companies continue to ramp up their big data collection efforts. In a June 2015 study, 57% of U.S. chief information officers (CIOs) said they expected the volume of data they would need to manage will rise by 33% over the next 12 months.

via eMarketer

Portable Computing Market Outlook Remains Flat in 2015

Portable Computing Market

According to the latest market study by ABI Research, total system shipments for portable computing are predicted to reach 165 million units for full-year 2015 — which is essentially flat compared to 2014 levels. “Segment growth is occurring in Chromebooks, much in part due to purchases by schools,” said Jeff Orr.

via Digital Lifescapes

Automotive Industry Prepares for Internet of Things Groundswell

Internet of Things in automotive

The connected vehicle has been the most visible and familiar example of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. But as cars become increasingly software-driven, the real IoT developments in the auto industry are behind the scenes.

via Deloitte

Largest Population of Active Smartphone Users are in China

China Smartphone Usage

eMarketer estimates that 38.6% of the total population of China will own and use a smartphone at least monthly this year. That penetration rate adds up to a big mobile-enabled population — 525.8 million people, more smartphone users than anywhere else in the world.

via eMarketer

Latin American Wireline Telecom will Reach $44.8 Billion in 2015

Latin America Telecom forecast

Pyramid Research now forecasts that fiber-optic communication connections in Latin America will account for 6.9 percent of broadband lines (5.1 million lines) by year-end 2015 — that’s up from 5.1 percent in 2014.

via Digital Lifescapes

Telecom Service Providers will Spend $5.7 Billion on SDN

open source software-defined networking SDN

As telecommunication providers seek service agility and operational efficiency in their networks to stay competitive, the global market for open source software-defined networking (SDN) hardware, software and professional services is forecast to grow from $103 million in 2014 to $5.7 billion in 2019, according to the latest study by IHS.

via IHS

Mobile Internet Use May Reach Saturation in Parts of Europe

Europe Tablet Market Saturation

Media tablet shipments in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) fell by 21.4% in 2Q of 2015 compared to the same quarter in the previous year, reaching 2.8 million units shipped. Moreover, the 2-in-1 device segment contracted by by more than 38 percent.

via IDC

eCommerce Sales via a Mobile Device Increased within France

mobile ecommerce in France

In France, mobile devices are finally coming into their own as significant tools for shopping and buying. Many retailers in France are making mobile a priority, according to a new study, with the result that over 50% of their transactions now come via that channel.

via eMarketer

Predictable Ongoing Status-Quo for U.S. Broadband Internet

U.S. Broadband Internet Market

If you look back over the past decade, while the Global Networked Economy has evolved as the leading nations in the Asia-Pacific region continue to expand their infrastructure capabilities, the market for broadband Internet access in America has been remarkably stable.

via Digital Lifescapes