Tag Archive | automation

Micro-Fulfillment: Next Phase of eCommerce Innovation

Micro-Fulfillment: Next Phase of eCommerce Innovation

Micro-fulfillment is a strategy retailers use to make the fulfillment process more efficient — from receiving an online order to packing it and in some cases offering last-mile delivery. The approach aims to take the speed of localized, in-store pick-up and combine it with the efficiency of large, automated warehouses.

via CB Insights

Intelligent Virtual Agent Projects Gain Momentum

Intelligent Virtual Agent Projects Gain Momentum

The global Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA) market reached $300-$350 million in 2019, exhibiting about 42% growth year-on-year. Analysts now forecast the IVA market to achieve a 70% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) through 2022.

via Everest Group

Top 7 Sales Channel Partner Software Categories in B2B IT

Top 7 Sales Channel Partner Software Categories in B2B IT

“Delivering automation of indirect sales processes, workflows and partner programs, channel software is becoming increasingly critical to a brands’ ability to win, serve, and retain its customers and partners. It’s a fast-growing market, with 59% of companies increasing spending across the stack.”

via Forrester

Explore Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning Tools

Explore Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning Tools

Artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) solutions can help drive value, transform businesses, and outperform the competition. But it’s challenging to navigate the lifecycle of developing, deploying, and maintaining ML models and AI solutions.

via Forrester

Zero-Sum: Why Automation Impacts the Most Vulnerable

Zero-Sum: Why Automation Impacts the Most Vulnerable

A recent study finds that low-skilled workers are more at risk from displacement by robots than high-skilled workers — 1987 was a key inflection point in the U.S. when jobs lost to automation stopped being replaced by an equal number of similar workplace opportunities.

via World Economic Forum

Accelerate Your Transition of Digitization and Automation

Accelerate Your Transition of Digitization and Automation

Digital transformation was a buzz phrase prior to the coronavirus crisis. Since then, it has become a reality in many cases — and a necessity for all. The consumer sector has, in many cases, moved fast. The bigger opportunity is in B2B applications, particularly manufacturing, where physical distancing can be challenging.

via McKinsey

How Technology Infrastructure will Fuel China’s Growth

How Technology Infrastructure will Fuel China's Growth

Now people are able to get back to work, this infrastructure ensures economic resilience and lessens the impact of the pandemic. Smart supply chain and smart logistics will become indispensable to a functioning economy in the future.

via World Economic Forum

Why CIOs Seek Hybrid Cloud Automation Solutions

Why CIOs Seek Hybrid Cloud Automation Solutions

“IT needs the ability to deploy, provision, and manage new services automatically and remotely, with little to no manual interaction. IT needs the automated data center. Better yet, IT needs the automated hybrid cloud, and it needs it now.”

via ESG

Why New Technology Skills Drive Economic Development

Why New Technology Skills Drive Economic Development

In 2018, there were more than 40,000 industrial robots deployed across U.S. factories — a 22% increase from the year prior. The World Economic Forum’s ‘Future of Jobs’ report noted that machines and algorithms will contribute 42% of total task hours in 2022.

via World Economic Forum

Enterprise Intelligence: The Path to Automation ROI

Enterprise Intelligence: The Path to Automation ROI

“IDC predicts that by 2022, 75% of enterprises will embed intelligent automation into technology and process development, using AI-based software to discover operational and experiential insights to guide innovation – and begin to knock down some of those silos.”

via IDC