Tag Archive | movies

The Best Movies You Didn’t See in 2016

In terms of box office gross, 2016 is shaping up to be one of the most profitable years in movie history. As of Dec. 11, the cumulative box office gross for the year has surpassed $10 billion, outpacing 2015 by 3.9 percent.

Source: PrettyFamous

North American Cinemas Raise Prices as the Audience Shrinks

Movie viewers in North America are frequenting the theater less often. According to research for the MPAA, box office revenues in the U.S. and Canada fell 5% in 2014 to $10.4 billion. Meanwhile, the number of tickets sold declined 6% to 1.27 billion.

via eMarketer

Transmedia: How Lucasfilm will Redefine Long-form Storytelling

Marvel Studios has shown that multiple franchises can work together to tell one story, and they’ve even played with a bit of transmedia by having Agents of SHIELD peripherally involved.  But Star Wars is about to blow that out of the water; there have been big meetings setting the future of the Star Wars universe, and these meetings are going to impact everything we see from Star Wars moving forward.

via Badass Digest

Entertainment & Media Spending will Reach $2.3 Trillion by 2018

PwC forecasts that global Entertainment & Media spending is expected to rise from $1.8 trillion in 2013 to $2.3 trillion by 2018, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5 percent. The U.S. remains the largest E&M market, growing at a 4.8 percent CAGR and reaching $724 billion by 2018, from $573 billion in 2013.

Globally, digital E&M spending will grow at a 12.2 percent CAGR between 2013 and 2018 and account for 65 percent of global entertainment and media spending growth by 2018.

via PwC

Digital Marketing Spend to Rise in U.S. Media and Entertainment

Digital advertising spending will grow faster in media and entertainment than in other U.S. industries. A key driver is the heavy use of video and rich media ads — the two fastest-growing ad formats — by marketers of news media, movies, TV shows, games and music.

These marketers are also big investors in mobile advertising, given the migration of consumption toward tablets and smartphones.

via eMarketer

Transmedia: Circa 1948 at the 2014 Tribeca Film Festival

Circa 1948 is a Storyworld featuring  an interactive art app for iPad and iPhone, an interactive installation and an interactive photo essay co-created by internationally renowned artist Stan Douglas and the award winning NFB Digital Studio.

Discover two vibrant communities struggling through a time of unforgiving change.

via Tribeca Film Festival

Global Movie Producer Revenue will Reach $76.4 billion by 2018

The online movie market involves the distribution of full-length feature films over the internet. From 2014 to 2018 the revenue earned by movie producers worldwide from online and offline distribution will increase from $62.7 billion to $76.4 billion, or by nearly 18%.

Revenues derived from online distribution will increase from 5.6% of total revenues in 2014 to 16.6% in 2018.

via Generator Research

The Economics of Online Movie Distribution are Compelling

Pay-TV Subscriber Loss

In 2014, movie producers worldwide will earn revenues of $29.6 billion from home video (DVD / Blu-ray) and all forms of TV licensing. They could earn the same amount by licensing all of their movies exclusively to online video entertainment companies — if 45% of the world’s broadband subscribers, or 348 million users, each pay $15 a month.

While 348 million users might seem like a huge number, it is less than half of the worldwide installed base of Pay-TV subscribers (cable TV, satellite TV and IPTV).

via Generator Research

On-Demand Video Market will Reach 6.2 Billion EUR in 2017

The world market for on-demand video entertainment will be close to 6.2 billion EUR in 2017 on managed networks — mainly telcos and cablecos — or 44% of the total video market.

The big challenge remains the capacity of telcos to develop further the SVoD market (which may grab some market shares from the VoD market) for which they are only capturing 25% of revenues.


Hollywood Studios 2013 Box Office Performance Review

Hollywood studios are reviewing their 2013 performance via the Cinema channel. For the first time ever, Warner Brothers surpassed $3 billion for international box office revenue.

With total revenues at $5.04 billion — $3.14 billion from international sales and $1.90 billion from domestic — Warner topped the list of Hollywood studios —  and a total of 19 new releases during 2013.

via Screen Digest